FES - Falcon Environmental Services
FES stands for Falcon Environmental Services
Here you will find, what does FES stand for in IT under Business category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Falcon Environmental Services? Falcon Environmental Services can be abbreviated as FES What does FES stand for? FES stands for Falcon Environmental Services. What does Falcon Environmental Services mean?The IT company falls under information technology and services category and is located in Plattsburgh, New York.
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Alternative definitions of FES
- Franconia Elementary School
- Festus City Airport, Festus City Airport, Missouri USA
- Foreign Exchange Student
- Flat Earth Society
- Folder Error Summary
- Flexible Education System
- Fred Evans Special
- Fundación Educativa del Sur
View 99 other definitions of FES on the main acronym page
Nearby abbreviations with meaning
- FLDC First Logistics Development Company
- FRM Fox Run Manor
- FG The Firehouse Group
- FESCA Ferrum Energy Solutions C.A.
- FCHS Finchley Catholic High School
- FES Financial Education Services
- FCL Firth Carpets Limited
- FFMI Fox Ford Mercury Inc
- FEC Family Eye Care
- FSCUSA Fresh Start Careers USA
- FTML Francis Travel Marketing Limited
- FNF The Florence Nightingale Foundation
- FGO Fresno Grand Opera
- FLI Foothill Locksmiths Inc.
- FDC Fleed Digital Consulting
- FSPL Floor Space Private Limited
- FCIS Fife Community Interpreting Service
- FCCC Four Corners Community Church
- FWG Find a Way Group
- FCC Fire Check Consultants